Thank you for downloading TaskMaster for the PowerPC Macintosh. The recommended minimum system for this program is Mac OS 7.5. However, as long as you have the Thread Manager and AppleScript installed, TaskMaster will run just fine. TaskMaster also loves other technologies such as OpenDoc & CyberDog (I use them constantly as they make retrieval from the web a snap and no scripting is required), Text-To-Speech (for talking alerts) and other neat things.
Updates will be posted regularly on CompuServe and on our website <> as well as on various other shareware websites that wish to carry TaskMaster. If you are a website that wishes to make our programs available for download, by all means do so, but please drop us an
We are now pleased to announce that we have two forms of registration. You can register through CompuServe's Shareware Registration (GO SWREG) or you can use the Register program supplied and go through the Kagi Shareware Registration. If you also wish, you may contact us directly at the address below and we will be more than happy to serve you.
Also, if you downloaded the TaskMaster/Pilot Bundle, please make sure that you register under the appropriate shareware registration number (as you save $5 U.S.).
Pricing is as follows:
TaskMaster v1.0: $20 US
TaskMaster/Pilot Bundle: $25 US
If you decide to use the CompuServe Shareware Registration, □the registration ID's are:
You can register one of two ways: on-line registration using a web browser, or off-line registration using the Register program.
Our online registration can be found at:
Or, using the Register program, you need to:
1. Get hold of a copy of the Register program: Register is distributed with TaskMaster and TaskMaster with Pilot Bundle. If you somehow did not get the Register program, we are making one available on <>. If you are unable to locate the register program, drop us an e-mail and we will send one to you directly.
2. Run the Register program and fill out the form: You need to enter your name, email, postal address, and the shareware you wish to pay for. The form accepts many different payment methods such as: US Check, Money Order, Cash (in many different currencies), Visa, Mastercard, American Express, First Virtual, and Invoice (to be given to your accounts payable department).
3. Send it to Kagi Shareware: Then either email the data generated by the registration program or print it and send it via postal mail or fax. Credit card information is encrypted by the Register program.
The address to send the completed form is output by Register when you Print or Copy the completed form. The addresses are:
Email: <>
FAX: +1 510 652 6589
Kagi Shareware
1442-A Walnut Street #392-YW
Berkeley, California, 94709-1405
Note for Canadians: You may still pay direct to us in the equivalent of American dollars drawn in Canadian Funds (one basis is just to add $5 on the American Prices). Make cheques payable to "the Computer Software Specialists" (my company) in CDN$ for the standard amount and mail them to my address:
Jordan L. Chilcott
the Computer Software Specialists
135 Hadati Rd.
Guelph, Ontario
N1E 6N7
I can only accept CDN$ or US$ Cash or Checks, anything else will have to go to Kagi Shareware at the normal US$ rates.
Please note that registering your versions automatically entitles you to free upgrades on TaskMaster & Pilot (if registered). Wherever possible, we will make the effort to e-mail you the updates so that you will be always up to date with our products. We support all of our registered users.
Please be sure to check out the HTML help guide if you require assistance in setting up tasks. The HTML guide can be viewed using Netscape or Microsoft Internet Explorer, which are widely available on the web (and will be available with OS 8 on CD).
Rigorous testing has gone into TaskMaster to make sure that it is bug-free, but even we are not perfect, no matter how hard we try. If you encounter a bug, please notify us promptly with the bug and we will try to replicate it and fix it as quick as possible. We value our reputation highly with you, the customer.
For now, I hope that you will enjoy the 15-day trial that you get from TaskMaster. During this time, unregistered versions will be able to enter and update up to 2 tasks of any kind. However, once the 15 days has elapsed, TaskMaster will put itself to sleep until registered.
Once again, I would like to thank you very much and I hope you enjoy our products and if there is anything we can do to serve you, please feel free to drop us an e-mail anytime and we will try to respond within 72 hours (all e-mail runs are done automatically with TaskMaster).
Yours truly,
Jordan L. Chilcott
the Computer Software Specialists
135 Hadati Rd.
Guelph, Ontario
N1E 6N7
(519) 837-1879 9am - 8pm Eastern Standard Time
CSi ID: 73453,1446
"Because you use your computer... We make it easier to use!"
No warranty or guarantee, expressed or implied, is made as to the quality and/or effectiveness of this software. No liability is accepted by the author or related parties for any damage, including lost of data, lost profits, or other special, incidental, consequential or indirect damages arising from the use of this program.
Use of this software is solely your own risk; accepting full liablility for whatever results may occur.